
  • Katherine W

    What a joy it is to share that God has blessed me with success in my breast cancer journey! After using the Breast Cancer Conqueror Protocol for four years, I reached the goal Dr. V. set for me. The discipline it required was lovingly guided by her counsel and by her encouraging words. As she says, “The journey is a marathon, not a sprint.” To all of us on a healing journey, keep up the efforts, the goal is reachable. Praise God!

    Katherine W.
  • Gwen T

    “Four years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer with 9 out of 10 lymph nodes involved.

    I followed The 7 Essentials program and worked closely with my coach. Last February I learned that I am now “cancer free!”
    It will change your life – It is not easy. It will test you.
    It is life changing – you will be a different, a better, a healthier
    and a stronger person for the rest of your life.”
    Gwen T. (80 years young) and “HOPE”, our BCC mascot.

    Gwen T.
  • Gabrielle R

    The 7 Essentials literally saved my life. All of them are so vital, but it was Essential #4 “Heal Your Emotional Wounds” that provided the mindset for the other essentials to work.

    I learned that my perception of how I chose to see the world was fluid and changing it from resentment, blame, and anger to looking at the experiences life presented through the filters of self-responsibility, love, compassion, and joy gave me foundation for healing and creating a different life story.
    Once I realized that what I focused on was what I experienced, I then chose joy over fear, anxiety, and worry.
    I chose to reduce stress by starting to paint and take time for the things I loved. My job became effortless, the cancer is gone, and my days are filled with an awareness that I create my peace of mind with my thoughts, which in turn created a healthy, harmonious body.

    I am so grateful for this journey which turned my life around and for the guiding light of Dr. V and her coaches.

  • I would like to thank you for all of the direction, encouragement, and love that you have shown. I live on an island and the medical care has been hostile to any natural or integrative approach for breast cancer or any cancer. That resistance has been a huge discouragement to me and I have always been determined and positive after talking to you.

    I have had five and a half years of feeling well, which made it possible for being a major care giver in my husband’s long-term illness. If I had done chemo for my stage 3 cancer, 28mm tumour I would not have managed the situation at home. Of course, I have read and use as a guide The Seven Essentials System in Dr V’s book.

    Overcoming fear because of the lack of medical help on the island, was a big factor for me. I cannot thank Dr V and the staff at BCC.


  • What an amazing  resource to have during such a challenging time.  All the information and support you can receive from Dr. V and this amazing community is a brilliant star in what feels like a dark amazon.  Most importantly my emotional, mental and spiritual health has been endlessly impacted by following the 7 Essentials. Life changing. It has saved my life and has given me hope and a future. I will be forever grateful!

    Francoise – Florida
  • Lynn Krippel

    Life changing- it saved my life- has given me hope and a future- I will forever be grateful! Thank you Dr. V! Step by step direction, guidance. It was and is such a great part of my recovery. Gives me hope when I am down, encourage me to keep going.  It has been a God send to show me just what to do when I had no one and did not know what to do- you were there. Thank you for the gift of coaching.

    Lynn K. – South Carolina
  • I knew I wanted to treat my DCIS naturally. When I found Dr. V it was like a light in the darkness. I was so grateful. I finally had an evidence-based path I could follow. I’ve never felt better actually. I feel healthy and strong and I am learning to let go of emotional stuff that has held me back. I truly feel the cancer diagnosis was an invitation to lead a healthier life. Dr. v is helping me get there.

    Carol G. – California
  • It gave me a blueprint for taking my health back. Love the support and compassion. A wealth of knowledge in all areas of healing breast cancer shared freely. Nowhere do I get as much help and support.

    Judy D. – Texas
  • A cancer healing journey is not something you want to do alone. The guidance, love and support you’ll receive is priceless. I can’t recommend it highly enough. Dr. V’s book gave me a road map during a very stressful and confusing time in my life. I’ve given the book to various practitioners and friends. My coach has been very supportive on my healing journey. She is extremely knowledgeable and has answered countless questions and helped calm my fears and anxieties. Two years after diagnosis my latest test results are all within normal limits and I don’t have any cancer activity. A cancer healing journey is not something you want to do alone. The guidance, love and support you’ll receive is priceless. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

    Edda K. – Michigan
  • Shirley Duff

    It is a wonderful fabulous course, even if someone is already familiar or practicing some, a lot or all of the principles it is laid out in a way that makes it simple to follow, connects you to a fabulous and supportive tribe and a hoot of resources and therapies you likely wouldn’t otherwise know of! It’s worth every penny and I recommend it highly! Reinforced and validated a lot of info I had already been exposed to. Learned new info, treatment options, resources, etc. Met a wonderful group of women on similar journeys. Received a great deal of support, inspiration, encouragement. Empowered by sharing my journey with others. It is a wonderful fabulous course, even if someone is already familiar or practicing some, a lot or all of the principles it is laid out in a way that makes it simple to follow, connects you to a fabulous and supportive tribe and a hoot of resources and therapies you likely wouldn’t otherwise know of! It’s worth every penny and I recommend it highly!

    Shirley D. – Ontario, Canada
  • The evidence based information that Dr. V has shared in all places (book, online course and website) have given me confidence to be more proactive and ask questions that I normally would not. Having access to coaching sessions has helped me to prioritize choices and avenues as well as strategies toward wellness. Coming to the retreat has given me a wealth of info and the coaching helps me to tailor my approach toward my health. Though the cancer issues for me are at the genetic level and I am a “Proactive Patty”, knowledge is the antidote to fear and I feel more empowered to keep learning what lifestyle changes are the healthiest for me. At this point, I can only encourage someone in a 3-6 word phrase, “If you can, just do it!” There is no judgement about your choices to manage your health- the information can set you free! And support you!

    Kathleen B. – California
  • No doubt – cancer can be scary, but thanks to Dr. V, she took my fears and doubts away with sound advice and the help I needed. She covered everything I needed to do to get well. I am now cancer free, without chemo or radiation and Dr. V had such a big hand in that! I don’t know what I would have done without her knowledge, advice and help. Even though we have never met, Dr. V has a special place in my heart. Thank you my far away friend and mentor!

    F. W. -Australia
  • When I found Dr.V, I was already mid-stream in my healing process with Breast Cancer.  I had done the diet, the detoxing, the de-stressing but i still needed to do more. With Dr.V’s help I followed a protocol which resulted in success! She is a kind, gentle, healing soul with so much knowledge.

    K. S. -Manitoba, Canada
  • When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew I didn’t want to do the recommended chemotherapy and radiation.  However so much fear surrounded my decision (from my oncologist, surgeon, and even my naturopath).  What a blessing it was to find Dr. V!  She empowered me to make the right decisions for my health.  She gave me the encouragement and the tools it took to overcome this disease.  I cannot thank her enough!  I now pass her blessing on to all of the women in my life, by giving them a copy of her wonderful book.

    S. G., WA
  • From the bottom of my heart, let me say that Dr. V possesses all the right ingredients you will want in a healing journey coach to walk with you toward restored health:  a pleasing voice, a listening ear, a discerning mind, and a compassionate heart!!  The 7 Essentials System will both organize and prioritize your plan for healing and give you the confidence that you have covered all the bases! 

    S.N., MN
  • When I found The Breast Cancer Conqueror website, it resonated with me. It gives clear direction and affirms my ability to be in control of my own unique healing path. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. V’s book, Healing Breast Cancer Naturally. Its 7 essential step system can give guidance to anyone, whether seeking holistic direction or supplementing conventional treatment.

    S.L., Tennessee
  • Dr. V’s approach is always hopeful and loving. Her knowledge and guidance to all aspects of my healing journey have been nothing more than awesome. Quite literally Dr. V. has saved my life. Her wisdom, magnificence and the devotion she puts into helping people is that of a true living angel.

    N.D. Canada
  • The 7 Essentials so positively impacted my life! I became so aware of basic elements like reducing my toxic exposure and learning about easy saliva and urine tests to improve my health. Because of the emotional healing prompted by an especially sensitive and real Dr. V, I am a remarkably happier, healthier person. I can never thank her enough for such a transforming effect on my life. She is the best! Love forever.

    M.G.T., GA
  • Dr. V “got it” all, she validated a lot of things that I was thinking and feeling, but I wasn’t seeing the big picture.  She guided and educated me with her 7 Essentials.   She is possibly the most influential and caring person that I experienced along this awful journey I was on.  She is amazing, highly intelligent, articulate and caring. I am very, very grateful and humbled that I found her and she helped me so very, very much!!!

    ML PA    
  • In early November I had the good fortune of meeting Dr. V in Santa Barbara at Jack Canfield’s home where as authors we were invited to his home for a book workshop as I am a Children’s Book Author. She gave me a signed copy of her book “Healing Breast Cancer Naturally” and explained to me that cancer is cancer and that I needed to follow the 7 Essentials if I was to get better naturally. My PSA has been undetectable now and I’ve also lost the 10 kilos previously gained. I feel really well at the moment and I am always conscious of what I do and what I eat and follow Dr. V’s advice. I have shared Dr. V’s books to all our friends and I can’t recommend her guidance enough.

  • Before finding Dr. V’s site, I was searching for a coach with whom I could connect and who’d been in the trenches.  The dots finally connected when I found Dr. V and her  “7 Essentials”  program.  Dr. V is quite a woman – a blend of researcher / scientist, intuitive / healer and her “7 Essentials” is not only a comprehensive template for healing, it’s a template for total lifestyle. 

    L. M. CA
  • I have been most impressed by Dr. V’s holistic integrated, easy-to-understand natural approach. She is such a good example and generously shares the skills and knowledge that it takes to get well. Her regular newsletter and ‘Medicinal Minutes’ of compassionate communication is a wonderful service.

    L.R., New Zealand
  • Dr.V has been coaching me & my mother for the last few months. Her 7 Essentials have changed our lives forever. I don’t know what I would do without Dr.V, her help and guidance. She created individual healing programs for us which already showed positive and promising results. She is very knowledgeable and passionate about helping others. 

    J. K. Dubai
  • L.M.

    I would like to recommend anyone who is searching for answers with Breast Cancer to use Dr. V as she has helped many with this problem and also handled it herself. She has found the answers as to why such illness occurs and what all is behind it. She has much knowledge. From my own experience I know that Dr. V is very happy to answer any questions and help a woman go through such a hard period as the Breast Cancer really is!

    L M, country of Slovakia
  • I received treatment from Dr. V after finding a small lump in my right breast. Medical doctors had me lined up for a series of very “pre-historic” tests including several needles being inserted in my nipple, with no pain meds. I was tested by Dr. V and began her program. Three months later, the lump was gone and so were the cancer cells. Since then I’ve had the privilege of having a beautiful baby and I was able to give her the precious gift of breastfeeding.

    T.R.Chicago, IL
  • Dr. V was the first person I thought of when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. From our first consultation, I felt compassion and very encouraged by her support.

    F. L, Canada
  • I discovered Dr. V while researching on YouTube about cancer, health and nutrition. I contacted Dr. V and anxiously shared my health concerns. She was very gracious, comforting, patient, understanding and kind.

    She recommended (and provided) so many great resources and supplements to begin implementing in my daily health regiment, including tests I desperately needed to take to confirm the root of my health issues/ concerns.

    Dr. V is very informative, wise, understanding and genuinely caring; unlike any other Dr. I have spoken to )and I sincerely mean this). Her approach is outstanding. I know she has been a God- send for me. I HIGHLY recommend coaching with Dr. V.

    Jeanna- Illinois
  • Dr. V exhibited a high level of personal concern for me and attentively listened as I explained my health concerns. This continued on beyond our initial consultation and I found her to be a very kind and caring individual with a vast array of knowledge. She showed to me a genuine interest in my welfare and I am blessed to be in her care.

    P.B. Florida
  • I am so grateful to be working with Dr. V. She is excellent with providing information, and sharing the research that goes with it. I also appreciate that she provides options for us, and leaves us to decide what is best – – all in a professional, caring and supportive manner.

    LC, California
  • J.A.

    Dr. V is such a wise person with much compassion and empathy. She picked me up in my time of need and gently laid out a plan of action! But mostly she reminded me that WE HAVE CHOICES…LOTS AND LOTS OF CHOICES!

    J A, Georgia
  • W.M. Chicago, IL

    In 1994 I was informed that I had colon cancer that had spread into the intestinal wall. I was told to get my affairs in order and that I had 4 months to live. I immediately started following Dr. V’s Cancer protocol. After 6 months, there were minimal cancer cells and I was able to return to work. Today in 2012, doctors are still shocked at my recovery. Working with Dr. V has given me a life to fight for.

    W.M. Chicago, IL
  • I started working with Dr. V almost nine years after ending conventional breast cancer treatment. The experience has transformed me in ways that I would not have expected. I am stronger in body, mind and spirit because of Dr. V’s healing 7 Essentials, her kind and genuine spirit and deep understanding of what it feels like to battle and conquer cancer. Because of her, I have more confidence in and the tools to more fully live my life.

    D.S. Illinois
  • Dr. V was so helpful after my double mastectomy. She was encouraging and supporting in my recovery journey. I use her pre-screened products with confidence. Thank you for doing all of the investigating for us.

    The most useful info in The 7 Essentials book for both myself and my husband was learning about ‘Biological Dentistry’. My energy has soared since and a stranger just told me that “I look great”.

    Thank you Dr. V.

  • I will never forget how helpful Dr. V. was in coaching me on my journey to a complete healing from Breast Cancer. She is a very knowledgeable doctor. The 7 Essentials Dr. V created definitively brings healing to the body. Dr. V was a lot of help and encouragement to me.

    E.G. Florida
  • When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I felt scared, confused & alone. There is a lot of information out there if you want to heal yourself & that alone can be confusing!

    Dr. V gave me the knowledge & information I needed, she helped me with a plan to get well & has become a trusted friend.

    She also understands the emotional side of breast cancer, having been there herself.

    D R, Australia
  • Dr. Veronique was a great mentor and a true master at her many years of work as a Chiropractor and Bio-energetic practitioner. As a passionate Breast Cancer Conqueror, she has helped many make better choices and encouraged early detection to save lives. I’d recommend Dr. V as she is one of the few that has a better answer to the problem.

    Dr. Z.C. Atlanta, GA
  • Dr. V is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to health. She has been incredible source of inspiration and knowledge to me and my family for a long time. I highly recommend Dr. V if you are looking to improve your health in anyway, whether you simply have questions, are looking to heal from an illness, or just want more health and vitality.

    Dr. B.R., Atlanta, GA
  • I have known Dr. V for almost 30 years as a Chiropractor, nutrition expert, and overall health practitioner. I would highly recommend her services as a coach and doctor for anyone who is tired of the medical profession only treating symptoms and not getting to the cause of the problem. Rest assured that she has your best interest at heart for she is a very caring and compassionate person. Her knowledge of medical and alternative treatments is priceless!

    D.C., Warner Robins,GA
  • I am always impressed by the depth of Dr. V’s knowledge and abilities. To watch her work is an amazing experience. I would recommend her not only to anyone who has Breast Cancer, but anyone who is looking to better their health through alternative methods.

    Dr. K.T., Atlanta, GA
  • C.M.

    Dr. V is known for going above and beyond the call of duty. She has a perfect balance of warmth, professionalism, and more importantly demonstrates an extensive knowledge in her use of innovative techniques for Total Wellness.
    Traditional medical testing was unable to pinpoint why I was unable to function normally, unable to work, or even walk more than 10 feet without extreme fatigue. Dr. V was able to pinpoint the root problems and give me a health program to bring me back to optimum health.

    She is truly skilled in alternative healthcare!!

    C.M. Chicago, IL
  • In 2003 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. By the time I went to Dr. V in Fayetteville, Georgia in 2004 I had lost 30 lbs and could no longer work as I never knew when and if I could leave my house. I was extremely weak and wasn’t even sure I could make the flight to Georgia. With only 1 week to treat me face to face, Dr. V was quick to get me back on feet. She continued to work with me long distance for the next year. I am glad to report I am doing extremely well! I work full time and at 55 years of age I even ran my first 5k race!

    D.D., Winnipeg, Canada
  • Dr. V loves what she believes in and shows it by helping all who ask her help. Dr. V also gives you HOPE for your health when you thought there was none. She truly cares, loves and encourages you in a way you may never have heard of. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

    LS Chicago
  • When I first called Dr. Veronique I was so weak and low in energy, crying all the time with loss of hope. I felt near to death. Calling Dr. V from another country I was skeptical of what she could do for me being so far away. Dr. V was so personable, easy to open up to and talk to about the difficult things that people hold near to them. Her kind, calm, confident and positive voice reached me and encouraged me. Her knowledge on the body, health and treatment was impressive and intelligent.

    A year later, I am back to working full time, enjoying long walks again, entertaining groups of friends, traveling and happy to be living life. Dr. V lives what she prescribes.

    L.B. Canada
  • I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis of the lung in 1990…After years of poor results from conventional medicine, I was introduced to Dr. V. Her personal attention & concern gave me a positive outlook for the future. The natural alternative treatment prescribed enhanced my health tremendously without any negative side-effects. I now lead a productive, happy & healthy life 21 years after my diagnosis…I am forever grateful to my GOD and my Dr. V.

    R.P., Chicago, IL